Foreigners Jobs

Agriculture Jobs In Austria For Foreigners 2024 – Apply Now

Austria’s agriculture business is big, and there are lots of jobs for people from other countries in this field. But it’s important to know that because Austria is a part of the European Union, EU citizens usually get jobs before people from other EU countries. People who are not from the EU can still work in agriculture, but they will need to get the right work permits and visas.

Today, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to find jobs in Austria that are related to agriculture and who can apply for these jobs. A lot of people from around the world want to work in Austria but can’t because they don’t know how to do it. But don’t worry—if you read this whole post, you’ll know everything you need to know about how to get jobs in Austria and who from all over the world can apply for these jobs. We will also give you links to “apply now” pages where you can easily apply for these jobs on the farm.


Austria is becoming more and more popular among foreigners looking for rewarding jobs in agriculture because of its beautiful landscapes and thriving farming sector. This piece talks about the different kinds of farming jobs that foreigners can get in Austria in 2024.

Details of Agriculture Jobs In Austria For Foreigners

Details of jobs in agriculture are provided differently from company to company but here are some common details.

  • Job title: Cleaner.
  • Country: Austria
  • Minimum age: 21 years
  • Knowledge required: No
  • Experience required: No/ Yes
  • Visa Sponsorship: Yes

Benefits of Agriculture Jobs In Austria

  • Job Opportunities: Austria has a strong agricultural sector, and there may be many job chances for foreigners in farming, crop cultivation, livestock management, and agribusiness, among other areas.
  • Quality of Life: Quality of life rankings around the world always put Austria high. People who choose to work in agriculture in Austria might be able to enjoy a good standard of living, a clean environment, and access to great schools and medical care.
  • Cultural Experience: Working in agriculture is a great way for outsiders to learn about Austrian culture. You can take part in cultural events, learn about traditional farming methods, and eat food from the area.
  • EU Membership: A country called Austria is part of the European Union. If you are a member of an EU or EEA country, you may be able to move around the European Union more easily and with more rights for work reasons.
  • Supportive Policies: Austria might have rules in place to get foreign workers to fill jobs in the farming sector and other areas where there are gaps in the labor market. This could include help with getting visas and work permits.
  • Scenic Countryside: People from other countries can live and work in the beautiful Austrian countryside because many farming jobs are located in rural areas.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Austria puts a lot of importance on organic and natural farming. If you work in Austria’s farming industry, you might be able to help with these methods and learn from them.
  • Learning Opportunities: If you’re interested in farming and environmentally friendly farming, Austria can be a good place to learn because it has access to cutting-edge farming methods and techniques.
  • Language Skills: Because German is the main language in Austria, working there can help you learn or improve your German.

Requirements for Foreigners

It’s important to know what the rules are before getting involved in Austrian agriculture. Language skills, work permits, and school background are very important for getting these jobs.

Who is eligible for Agriculture Jobs In Austria

The standards for each job may be different. The following are, however, standards that almost all companies have, and you must meet them before you apply.

  • People in Austria usually need work experience in agriculture or a related area to be able to get jobs in agriculture.
  • German is also the main language of Austria, so you may need to be able to speak it well.
  • If you are not an EU citizen, you also need a legal work permit.

Read Also: Teaching Jobs in Austria with Visa Sponsorship

Average Salary

In Austria, the average monthly pay for a farm worker is between €1,957 and €2,157. However, this depends on the type of work and the company being hired. The pay also changes based on how much knowledge you have about farming.

Here is a list of some common agricultural jobs in Austria:

  • Farmer
  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Agricultural Technician
  • Agricultural Sales Representative
  • Agricultural Consultant
  • Agricultural Economist
  • Agricultural Extension Agent
  • Agricultural Research Scientist
  • Livestock Manager
  • Vineyard Manager/Winemaker

How to apply

There are a lot of ways to apply for jobs in agriculture in Austria, but the best way is to use job boards like Indeed, LinkedIn, and others. Another way to apply for jobs in agriculture is to go to an Austrian website about agriculture and get in touch with companies there. Send them your CV to get the job.

More Info


People from all over the world can find work in Austria’s booming farm industry. This guide gives information about farming jobs in Austria, such as who can apply, how much the jobs usually pay, and what they are called. People who are not from the EU can look at job boards like Indeed and LinkedIn or visit Austrian farm websites to find jobs that fit their needs and apply for them.

  1. How can non-EU citizens work in agriculture in Austria?

    People from outside the EU who want to work in agriculture in Austria must get the right work permits and visas. Workers must have legal permits to do their jobs, and they may need to know German.

  2. What are the average salaries for farm workers in Austria?

    A farm worker in Austria makes between €1,957 and €2,157 a month on average. Pay is based on the job, the amount of experience, and the rules set by the employer.

Rohan Shah

Roshan Shah is a seasoned expert in unskilled job searches and career development, boasting an impressive track record of 5 years in the industry. His profound knowledge and expertise have made him a beacon for those navigating the complexities of the unskilled job market and career progression.

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