Foreigners Jobs

Java Engineer Jobs in Japan for Foreigners 2024 – Apply Now

No matter what kind of software engineer you are, Japan is the best place to go! The country is where all the software and tech worlds come together. As the idea of “Urban Farming” grows, Japan has become the leader not only in industry and digitalization but also in farming. However, we might be able to say for sure (or at least somewhat) that no job is as sought after there as Software Engineering.

That’s why we’re offering Java Engineer (Back End) Jobs in Japan for Foreigners. Back-end programming in Java is used by a Java engineer or Java developer to make apps for computers and phones. Many fields need Java writers because the Java programming language can be used to make many kinds of apps.

Other than a great pay, Japan has a lot of other great things to offer Foreign Java Engineers and Software Engineers in general.

Details of Java Engineer Jobs in Japan for Foreigners

  • Job title: Java Engineer
  • Job Region: Japan
  • Minimum Knowledge: Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering
  • Minimum Experience: 2-4 years
  • Age limit: Mostly 25-35 years
  • Expected Salary: Minimum 4400 USD per month
  • Additional Benefits: Yes


  • At least 16 years of schooling, including 4 years of Bachelor’s study in Software Engineering.
  • Experience as a Java developer, a developer of any other programming language, or just a software engineer for at least two to four years.
  • The ability to speak Japanese at the N5 level on the JLPT.
  • Good knowledge of everyday English.
  • Must have the right to work in Japan.
  • You have to be between 25 and 35 years old.

Benefits of Java Engineer Jobs in Japan

  • Technological Progress: Japan is known for having some of the most cutting-edge technology in the world. This means that Java coders can use the newest back-end tools, frameworks, and development methods.
  • Career Growth: Japan is a great place for engineers to advance their careers and learn new skills in areas like Java programming, back-end development, cloud technologies, and software design.
  • Competitive Pay: Java engineers in Japan can get competitive pay in the tech field. They also get benefits like bonuses, health insurance, retirement plans, and allowances, which protect their finances.
  • Cultural Experience: Foreigners who work in Japan can learn about the country’s rich culture, customs, and work ethic. This can help them grow as people and help them learn the language.
  • Global Collaboration: A lot of tech companies in Japan work with clients and teams from other countries. This gives Java engineers the chance to work on global projects, interact with different teams, and improve their ability to communicate across cultures.
  • Work-Life Balance: Some Japanese companies put a lot of emphasis on work-life balance by giving their employees paid time off, flexible hours, and the chance to work from home. This helps their employees stay healthy and happy at work.
  • Opportunities to Learn: Japanese Java engineers can improve their technical skills, keep up with changes in the business, and learn more about back-end development through training programs, workshops, and certifications.
  • Networking and Professional Connections: Java engineers who work in Japan’s tech business can meet other professionals in the field, go to tech events and meetups, and make connections that can help them advance in their careers.
  • Sponsorship for a visa: Some tech companies in Japan may sponsor visas for qualified foreign Java engineers. This lets professionals from other countries officially work and live in Japan.
  • Focus on Quality: Japanese companies put a lot of value on quality, dependability, and paying close attention to detail when they make software. This means that Java engineers can help make goods and services that are of high quality.

Read Also: Software Quality Assurance Engineer Jobs in Japan

Job duties of a Back End Java Engineer

  • You are in charge of the server side or back end of a website, web-based app, or system. This means that you build, test, fix bugs, and keep it running smoothly.
  • You should know everything there is to know about back-end development, including databases, data, and application interaction, APIs, running UI tests, and more.
  • Know what the technical and design criteria are and follow them.
  • Use the same codes and tools over and over, and build them so they can be used again.
  • Combine parts that users see with code that runs on the server, and work with or get help from front-end or full-stack developers.

How to Apply

More Info


Japan is a great place for Java Engineers (Back End) to work because the pay is good, there are chances for career growth, and you can learn about Japanese culture. Japan’s job market isn’t just tech-related; foreigners can work in many other fields as well. There are ways for qualified workers to get a visa sponsored. People looking for jobs in Japan should check out

  1. What benefits do Java Engineers in Japan receive?

    In Japan, Java engineers get perks like fair pay, bonuses, health insurance, retirement plans, chances to move up in their careers, a good balance between work and life, chances to learn new skills, the chance to network, and some companies even pay for their visas.

  2. What are the requirements to apply for Java Engineer jobs in Japan?

    Usually, you need a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering, two to four years of experience in the field, the ability to speak and write Japanese at the N5 level, good English skills, and the right to work in Japan.

Rohan Shah

Roshan Shah is a seasoned expert in unskilled job searches and career development, boasting an impressive track record of 5 years in the industry. His profound knowledge and expertise have made him a beacon for those navigating the complexities of the unskilled job market and career progression.

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