Unskilled Jobs

Unskilled Jobs in Romania With Visa Sponsorship 2024

Explore Unskilled Jobs in Romania with Visa Sponsorship – Your gateway to opportunities for international job seekers. Discover how to work in Romania without prior experience

There are a lot of untrained people looking for work in any country in Europe, so we put together a list of jobs in Romania. There is a list of open unskilled jobs and information on how to apply.

Jobs in manufacturing, building, hospitality, and agriculture are all seen as unskilled in Romania. There are jobs for people with no skills in a lot of different fields, such as farm laborers, building workers, waiters, and industrial workers. We’ve given you detailed instructions on how to apply for these jobs, along with links to websites that can help you quickly find low-skilled work in Romania.

Basic Requirements for Factory Worker Jobs

  • The ability to keep up with hard work
  • Second, being able to work well with others
  • Third, follow the rules and safety instructions.
  • Next, being ready to work in a plant with all the noise, dust, and other risks that come with it
  • Also, the ability to talk to people in English or Romanian
  • Also, basic computer skills
  • Additionally, I work effectively in a busy setting.
  • On top of that, being able to stand for a long time.
  • Having the strength to lift big things is also important.
  • Besides that, reliability and being on time are very important.
  • Before anything else, most factory jobs don’t require a high school diploma or something similar.

Why Factory Worker Jobs in Romania

  • The cost of living in Romania is cheaper than in many other European countries, making it a good choice for people who want to save money.
  • Also, industrial workers in Romania make less money than workers in other European countries, but more than workers in other Eastern European countries.
  • Next, Romania’s location in the middle of Europe makes it easy for people from all over the continent to get there.
  • The industry sector is one of the main things that is making Romania’s economy grow. So, this means that there are a lot of job openings in this area.
  • Skilled workers: Romania has a large and skilled labor force, which makes it a good option for companies that want to grow or improve their industrial activities there.
  • Support from the government: The Romanian government has offered many benefits to manufacturing companies to move to the country in order to attract foreign investment.
  • Language: Many people in Romania know English, French, and German, which makes it easy for multinational companies to do business there.
  • Quality control inspector
  • Maintenance worker
  • Shipping and receiving clerk
  • Forklift operator
  • Assembly line worker
  • Machine Operator
  • Loader/Unloader
  • Safety officer

Who is eligible to Apply for Factory worker jobs in Romania?

Anyone interested in this job can apply, no matter where they are from. Romania will be looking for plant workers. People from all over the world are welcome to apply. People from all over the world, not just Romanians, are welcome to apply. But remember that only people who are thought to be suitable for the job will be contacted.

People from the following countries can apply:

  • Australia
  • Sri Lanka
  • Indonesia
  • India
  • Nigeria
  • Philippines
  • Pakistan
  • Kenya
  • Cameroon
  • Ghana
  • Nigeria
  • Canada
  • UAE
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • South Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Mexico

Read Also: Unskilled Jobs in Slovenia with Visa Sponsorship

Benefits of Unskilled Jobs in Romania

  • Employment Accessibility: Unskilled labor positions are readily available to a diverse group of people, including those who possess limited formal education or professional experience. This characteristic renders them a crucial means of employment for individuals embarking on their first foray into the workforce or attempting to change careers.
  • Employment Prospects: Diverse sectors and industries offer unskilled labor, including services, construction, hospitality, retail, and manufacturing. This presents an extensive array of employment prospects for people possessing unique sets of abilities, passions, and life experiences.
  • Stable Income: Unskilled labor in Romania generally furnishes workers and their families with a consistent and dependable stream of income, thereby ensuring their financial security and stability. Despite the fact that wages for menial labor may differ by employer and industry, they can still be sufficient to cover the costs of living.
  • Opportunities for Learning: Unskilled labor frequently presents prospects for practical training and the enhancement of one’s skill set. Employees have the opportunity to acquire practical experience, obtain knowledge of new duties and obligations, and develop transferable skills that could prove advantageous in subsequent employment prospects.
  • Flexibility: Numerous menial occupations provide flexible work arrangements, such as seasonal, temporary, part-time, or full-time positions. Individuals managing work alongside other obligations, such as academic pursuits, familial duties, or personal interests, may find this flexibility advantageous.
  • Career Progression: Although unskilled labor may initially offer entry-level positions, certain organizations or sectors may offer avenues for career advancement and growth. Through diligence, increased training, and experience, employees can advance to higher-paying positions with greater responsibilities.
  • Social Advantages: Unskilled labor positions afford prospects for interpersonal engagement and professional development with peers, superiors, and clientele. Relationship building in the workplace can foster a supportive work environment, increase job satisfaction, and nurture a sense of belonging.
  • Contribution to the Economy: By providing support to numerous industries and sectors, unskilled laborers play a crucial role in the Romanian economy. Their labor drives economic expansion and prosperity by contributing to production, infrastructure development, and the delivery of products and services.
  • Personal Satisfaction: In spite of the absence of formal credentials, menial labor can still afford individuals a feeling of accomplishment and personal satisfaction. Self-esteem and confidence can be increased through the accomplishment of objectives, task completion, and team participation.
  • An Approach to Skill Development: Individuals desiring to progress in their professions and gain additional competencies may utilize unskilled labor as a stepping stone. Through the acquisition of practical experience, the recognition of personal strengths and interests, and the pursuit of additional education or training, employees have the ability to advance their careers towards more specialized or sophisticated positions.

Unskilled Jobs in Romania

Farm laborer

Working on farms, vineyards, or orchards is the norm for farm laborers in Romania. Crop planting, cultivation, and harvesting, as well as livestock care, may be included in these jobs. Long hours and hard labor may be required, especially during the busiest growing seasons.

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Construction worker

In Romania, jobs as a construction workers usually involve doing physical work like digging, moving goods, and helping with building projects. There may be physical work to do, and you may have to do it outside in bad weather. In Romania, people who work in buildings often do jobs like bricklayers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and general laborers.

How to Apply

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Romanians can often be found working as waiters in bars, restaurants, and other places to eat. It’s possible to take orders from customers, give them food and drinks, and take their payments. It may be necessary to work quickly and for long hours, especially during meal times when business is the busiest.

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In Romania, most housework jobs involve keeping homes, hotels, and other places clean and in good shape. As part of the job, you might have to clean and organize rooms, do laundry, and do other related tasks as needed. There may be times when you have to work weekends or vacations and do physical work.

How to Apply

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Factory worker

In Romania, factory jobs mostly involve working in places that make things, like assembly lines or production plants. As part of the job, you might have to use tools, put together parts, and package things. Working a rotating shift schedule and putting in a lot of physical work may be important.

How to Apply

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Minimum Salary

A person in Romania must make at least 2300 lei (about 480 USD or 410 EUR) a month. This could be different, though, depending on the area and the job. One important thing to keep in mind is that the cost of living in Romania can vary by place and by person.


In conclusion, low-skilled jobs in Romania that can help you get a visa can lead to a unique and rewarding experience. There may be hurdles along the way, but there are also many chances to grow personally and professionally. If you want to work in agriculture, the hotel industry, or any other field, Romania is a great place to do it.

  1. How much money do Romanian industrial workers make?

    Romanian factory workers make RON 40,194 per year and RON 19 per hour.

  2. How do I learn the Romanian language for better job prospects?

    Learning the basics of Romanian can be beneficial, but many jobs in tourist areas may not require extensive language skills.

Rohan Shah

Roshan Shah is a seasoned expert in unskilled job searches and career development, boasting an impressive track record of 5 years in the industry. His profound knowledge and expertise have made him a beacon for those navigating the complexities of the unskilled job market and career progression.

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