Foreigners Jobs

Farm Jobs in Austria for Foreigners 2024 – Apply Now

If you are seeking a change of tempo and the opportunity to engage in agriculture on a more profound level, applying for agricultural jobs in Austria is a special opportunity. Competent laborers are essential in Austria, a country that is renowned for its robust agricultural exports, to assist with a wide range of field tasks. A diverse array of agricultural positions qualify international applicants for visa sponsorship. This visa will enable them to legally operate in the country for a predetermined duration.

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Types of Farm Jobs in Austria for Foreigners

  • Seasonal Fruit/Vegetable Pickers/Orchard Workers: They are responsible for the harvest and packaging of fruits and vegetables, including grapes, apples, and tomatoes, during the spring, summer, and autumn.
  • In dairy, poultry, and beef ranches, livestock care and management encompass the provision of daily necessities for animals such as hens, cattle, and cows.
  • The primary objective of dairy farming is to produce high-quality milk, cheese, and other dairy products.
  • Aquaculture, an industry that generates fish and other commodities for the marketplace, is experiencing growth.
  • Greenhouses: Employment opportunities in greenhouses include horticulture, logging, and greenhouse employment. These positions provide opportunities for collaboration and the acquisition of new skills.
  • Agricultural Research Associate: This role involves the application of enhanced agricultural techniques to enhance the quality and yield of crops.

Pay for Farm Workers in Austria

In 2023, the hourly wage of farmworkers in Austria was approximately €10.61 (almost $12.75). However, this figure was contingent upon the type of employment, the location of their education, and their level of expertise.

Benefits of Farm Jobs in Austria

  • Scenic Work Environment: Austria’s countryside is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, with farms frequently situated amidst undulating hills, forests, and alpine regions. Employees are afforded the opportunity to work in breathtaking natural environments while employed on a farm in Austria.
  • Quality of Life: Austria’s exceptional healthcare and education systems, low crime rates, and pristine environment have consistently earned it a high ranking in global quality of life indices. This quality of life is enhanced by farm employment, which provides a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
  • Strong Agricultural Tradition: Austria has a strong agricultural heritage, with many farms being operated by families for generations. This custom instills a sense of pride and continuity in the agricultural workforce.
  • Organic Farming Practices: Austria is a pioneer in the European Union when it comes to organic agricultural practices. Numerous farms prioritize biodiversity conservation, sustainable practices, and organic production methods, offering employees the chance to work in environmentally favorable environments.
  • Cultural Experience: Austrian farm positions frequently involve cultural experiences, including the opportunity to engage with local customs, learn about regional cuisine, and participate in traditional festivals. The work experience can be enhanced by this cultural immersion.
  • Job Stability: Agriculture continues to be a critical sector of Austria’s economy, substantially contributing to rural employment and stability. In regions where agriculture is the primary economic activity, farm occupations can provide long-term employment opportunities.
  • Skill Development: The opportunity to cultivate a wide range of skills, including sustainable agriculture techniques, rural entrepreneurship, and animal husbandry, is afforded by working on farms in Austria. These abilities are advantageous not only in the agricultural sector but also in other contexts.
  • Community Engagement: In Austria, rural communities frequently exhibit robust social connections, and farms are integral to community life. Working on a farm enables individuals to establish meaningful relationships and become integral members of these communities.
  • Access to Local Produce: A significant number of farm jobs in Austria entail the use of fresh, locally grown produce. Employees may have the opportunity to consume high-quality food directly from the source, which can foster healthful eating habits and a sense of connection to the land.
  • Tourism Opportunities: Austria’s agricultural heritage and natural beauty draw tourists from all over the globe. Interacting with visitors is occasionally a component of farm employment, which can lead to cultural exchange and the generation of additional income.

Requirements of Farm Jobs in Austria

  • Application: Submit the appropriate visa application form and confirm it.
  • Present a passport that is valid and contains at least two open pages. The passport must remain valid for a minimum of three months after the journey to Austria has concluded.
  • Images: Please provide passport-sized images that are current and meet the other specified criteria.
  • Employment Contract or Job Offer: A copy of the employment contract or job offer from the Austrian farm should be submitted.
  • Accommodation Proof: Provide documentation that demonstrates your residency in Austria.
  • Confirm whether the individual is covered by health insurance that is specific to Austria.
  • Financial Resources: You are required to submit evidence that you will have sufficient funds to sustain yourself during your visit to Austria.
  • Educational Documents: Images of your diplomas or other documentation that confirms your college attendance are necessary.
  • Criminal Record: A police clearance certificate is required to demonstrate that you have no criminal history.
  • Cost of visa: The visa fee must be paid.

Why It’s a Good Idea To Work On An Austrian Farm

  • There are numerous opportunities for compensation and incentives.
  • The chance to acquire further knowledge regarding farming, livestock, and equipment.
  • Interact with individuals from a variety of backgrounds and reside in a distinct culture.

More Info


Working on a farm in Austria is a great option for anyone seeking a change of scenery and an opportunity to gain more farming knowledge. Strong agricultural employment opportunities abound in the nation, along with high wages and several benefits, including assisting international workers in obtaining visas.

Whether you’re studying agriculture, caring for animals, or gathering fruits, you’ll gain practical experience, pick up new skills, and take in Austria’s rich cultural heritage. Your employment prospects can also be improved globally by this experience. That being said, if you want to begin a successful farming career, Austria is the place to be.

  1. Is it possible for farm labor in Austria to result in permanent residency?

    Farm employment, particularly seasonal or temporary positions, generally does not result in permanent residency. Nevertheless, if you meet additional eligibility requirements and secure a more permanent position, gaining employment in Austria and contributing to the economy may serve as a precursor to obtaining a longer-term work permit or residency.

  2. In Austria, what do they farm?

    Crops include sugar beets, wheat, corn (maize), barley, potatoes, apples, and grapes. Pigs and cattle are also raised.

  3. What are the language requirements for farm employment in Austria?

    Some farms may employ laborers who speak English or other languages, despite the fact that knowledge of German can be highly advantageous for communication on the farm and integration into the community. Nevertheless, a willingness to acquire rudimentary German skills can be a substantial asset.

Rohan Shah

Roshan Shah is a seasoned expert in unskilled job searches and career development, boasting an impressive track record of 5 years in the industry. His profound knowledge and expertise have made him a beacon for those navigating the complexities of the unskilled job market and career progression.

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